On Tuesday in SC “Triumph” the players of “Gazprom-UGRA” held an open training session for 1998-99 year of birth teenagers, who arrived to Troitsk for the final of championship of Russia among the youth teams of the Super League and on Thursday will fight for their ticket to the “Final Four” with their peers from […]
On Tuesday in SC “Triumph” the players of “Gazprom-UGRA” held an open training session for 1998-99 year of birth teenagers, who arrived to Troitsk for the final of championship of Russia among the youth teams of the Super League and on Thursday will fight for their ticket to the “Final Four” with their peers from the FC “Dynamo”.
The following players from the youth team also participated in the training: Maksim Konov, Sergey Denisov and the goalkeeper, Maksim Yelistratov.
The whole exercise was held in the form of a relaxed game. In the first half the players were divided into two teams and played an entertaining 7 by 7 game, Kaka and Eder joined it. The second part went in accordance with regular futsal rules, 5 against 5.
Young athletes were able to watch the preparation process of professional football players and stayed fully satisfied by what they saw.
“The training made positive impressions on us, we saw the persistence and diligence that the team applies while preparing for the important match. We also got a useful experience, it motivates us and makes us want to achieve the same success,” — shared his emotions the defender of the FC “Gazprom-UGRA” (1998-1999 y.o.b.) Yan Musienko.