(Русский) Главная команда вышла из отпуска
The FC “Gazprom-UGRA” won the preseason tournament for the prizes of the Tyumen region, defeated the FC “Tyumen” in the finals by penalties. “Tyumen” vs “Gazprom-UGRA”, 4-4 (2-1) Goals Gazprom-UGRA: Caio – 2, Volinyuk – 2
The FC “Gazprom-UGRA” won the preseason tournament for the prizes of the Tyumen region, defeated the FC “Tyumen” in the finals by penalties.
“Tyumen” vs “Gazprom-UGRA”, 4-4 (2-1)
Goals Gazprom-UGRA: Caio – 2, Volinyuk – 2