Trubitsin: “We are working on physics and tactics”

Nikolay Trubitsin – goalkeeper of the youth Gazprom-Ugra told about the preparation of the team for the 19th round game against the Almaz-Alros: – Preparation is excellent. We work more on physics and tactics. The rival is very strong, they have been playing with the same lineup for a long time and always occupy high places. […]

15 February 2019

Nikolay Trubitsin – goalkeeper of the youth Gazprom-Ugra told about the preparation of the team for the 19th round game against the Almaz-Alros:

– Preparation is excellent. We work more on physics and tactics. The rival is very strong, they have been playing with the same lineup for a long time and always occupy high places. We can beat them at the expense of a well-coordinated game in defense, at the expense of desire.

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