(Русский) Юноши«Газпром-Югры» U-18 открыли финальный этап «Спортмастер-Юниорлиги» победой над сверстниками из СК КПРФ
Aleksandr has been at the club since 2005, for a long time he was the captain of the Gazprom-UGRA main team, and now he is the auxiliary coach of the youth team now. Aleksandr, accept sincere congratulations from the whole team of the club and fans. We wish you a productive and successful activity. Let your plans […]
Aleksandr has been at the club since 2005, for a long time he was the captain of the Gazprom-UGRA main team, and now he is the auxiliary coach of the youth team now.
Aleksandr, accept sincere congratulations from the whole team of the club and fans. We wish you a productive and successful activity. Let your plans turn into successful business and end with expected results and high rewards! May your life be harmonious and happy!