(Русский) “Люберцы” – И.С.К. Дина – 4:5
The finals of the Russian Futsal Cup took place among the teams of the 1st league, zone Moscow region 2016-2017. Following the results of the two matches of the FC “Gazprom-UGRA” won the trophy! Russian Futsal Cup among the teams of the 1st league, zone Moscow region 2016-2017. THE FINAL. FC “Stroitek” vs FC “Gazprom-UGRA”, […]
The finals of the Russian Futsal Cup took place among the teams of the 1st league, zone Moscow region 2016-2017. Following the results of the two matches of the FC “Gazprom-UGRA” won the trophy!
Russian Futsal Cup among the teams of the 1st league, zone Moscow region 2016-2017. THE FINAL.
FC “Stroitek” vs FC “Gazprom-UGRA”, 4-6
Goals, Gazprom-UGRA: Vinogradov (2), Pirogov (2), Verbin, Kutsak, Cherniy.
FC “Gazprom-UGRA” vs FC “Stroitek”, 1-3
Goals, Gazprom-UGRA: Kutsak.