“We will impose our game”

The defender of the youth FC Gazprom-UGRA Daniil Tokhtarov told about himself and the preparation of the team for the upcoming match of the 5th round of the Major League Conference “West” against the FC MosPolitech. – How did your passion for football start? How did you get to Gazprom-Ugra? – Since childhood, fond of […]

02 November 2018

The defender of the youth FC Gazprom-UGRA Daniil Tokhtarov told about himself and the preparation of the team for the upcoming match of the 5th round of the Major League Conference “West” against the FC MosPolitech.

– How did your passion for football start? How did you get to Gazprom-Ugra?

– Since childhood, fond of football. At school, we saw with parents an announcement about the recruitment of young men in the “Neftyanik” sports school in Surgut. It was my parents who brought me to my first training session.

When I grew up a little, I realized that I like futsal and I want to connect my life with this sport.

In the summer of 2016, the guys from Surgut found out about casting in Yugorsk and decided to go and try. A lot of guys came from different cities. It was a run-of-the-mill preseason: training in the gym and in the stadium. When I learned that I was in the team, I was very happy . In total, 2 people got into the team from Surgut: me and Pavel Larionov (he now plays for the youth team of the Tyumen FC).

– Who are your idols in futsal? What clubs do you root for?

– Falcao. Very technical and intelligent player. From the Russian players like the style of playing Sergey Abramov, Artem Niyazov and Yanar Asadov.

I root for “Gazprom-UGRU”, of course, I try to follow all the games of the Super League. I also watch the Spanish Championship.

– What are your goals for this season?

– Improve with each workout and game, take from them the most useful. And like any futsal player, get into the main team and the national team.

– What can you say about the opponent for the next tour against MosPolitech team? How is the training going?

– “MosPolitech” is a good fighting team. They like to play in pressure. The team occupies a top position, so there will be no easy game with them.

Preparation goes well. We work on defense and “set-pieces”. Analyzing our mistakes in the last round to prevent them from playing with MosPolitech. We will impose our game and try to achieve a positive result.

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