Gazprom-Ugra head coach Temur Alekberov and his player Juan Emilio are about reaching the final of the Russian Cup. Temur Alekberov, head coach of Gazprom-Ugra: – It was difficult, because this is a cup game. And no matter how you prepare, there are nuances that you could not foresee. Today, before the game, we lost Ivan Chishkal, at the […]

16 February 2019

Gazprom-Ugra head coach Temur Alekberov and his player Juan Emilio are about reaching the final of the Russian Cup.

Temur Alekberov, head coach of Gazprom-Ugra:
– It was difficult, because this is a cup game. And no matter how you prepare, there are nuances that you could not foresee. Today, before the game, we lost Ivan Chishkal, at the game – Davydov, so the other players had a crazy load, and in the second half they began to have a bit of time to keep up. A very nervous game, the opponent scored a very quick first goal after the second goal we scored. And he gave them strength, he gave faith. When playing four against five, it is necessary to release experienced players who have the skill of playing on the defensive, we have very few such players. If we sum up the results of two matches, the guys gave everything they could. I want to thank every player who came out and contributed. In extra time, the guys came out, who played a little, and it was difficult enough for them, but they came out and scored the right goal, finished the game, and played it out. I am very glad that the guys, having given all their strength, have the opportunity to play in the final. The game is very difficult, because KPRF has collected great players, and each of our inconsistencies is immediately punished.

Juan Emilio, “Gazprom-Ugra” player:
– Today was my debut game. It was a very difficult game. It was a semi-final against KPRF. We perfectly understood that we had an advantage of three goals, but, despite this, the rival managed to achieve a zero result. Almost the entire game they had with the fifth field. Only in extra time, we managed to score the right goal. I would like to thank the KPRF team for a very intensive, very interesting game.

Press Service of the FC “Gazprom-Ugra”

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